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3 Free ways to De-Stress!

Most of the women I know de-stress with a glass of wine. I probably would too only, wine cost money and that's not really something I have. So, I choose to de-stress in other "free ways"!

I'll share with you my

3 favorite, FREE ways to de-stress!

1. Writing! Now I usually only write when I am feeling overwhelmingly emotional and its usually late at night, because I've tried to rest my mind, but just can't sleep. It is so therapeutic for me. It helps me release stress by getting it all out. Most of the time it also helps me to put my thoughts into perspective. I'll write all I want, then go back and read it, try to get to the root of my angst. Typically, my angst seems to be centered around the lazy-mooching-lump sleeping in my bed. Ugh!

2. Cleaning! Ya, Ya, I know it's a chore, right? I know, I know but if you just get started, once you're done it really does make you feel better. Especially if it's something big, like steam cleaning the carpets, or getting underneath and behind the furniture! I even feel better after a give the bathroom a good deep-cleaning! I almost feel like I'm in a nice hotel the first time I shower after cleaning the bathroom! It's the little FREE things in life that mean soo, soo much!

3. Eating! Yumm! Typically, it has to be something really delicious to take me away! Like a nice fluffy piece or really saucy piece of pizza pie! Feeling less stress just thinking about it. However, I do not recommend using this one very often, but every once in a while. Especially when I'm having a rough day at work, I will scour the office in search of something yummy to calm me down. So many people, so many different tastes! I just love, office potlucks! You get to try so many different things!

How do you de-stress?

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