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Finding my Niche...

So, a blog, isn't a Diary?

This is not what I am hearing from the numerous blogging groups I frequent. I suppose my life really isn't anything super exciting. I am not royalty or have an exciting career or anything. I am just me, an average hardworking momma, full of stress and anticipation. With lots of real issues. From monetary struggles to marriage issues. But who wants to read my Diary? It would be mostly melancholy, but could perhaps let others know they aren't alone. That other people out here, are having the same issues. But who wants to read a book without a happy ending? The end of my Diary would essentially come at the end of my life. Eh, how morbid is that?! Okay, Okay. So I am going to have to pick a general topic to focus on and then work from there to see what the little fishies bite at. Always open for suggestions, if anyone would like to share.

What am I good at? Or at least what do I think I am good at!
1. Being Organized-I use to be much better at this, before the rug rats entered the scene.
2. Being in charge! -I am a supervisor of a team of 6, at my day job.
3. Raising My Kids-I suppose that's open to interpretation but I think I am an awesome mom!
4. Managing Time-Not necessarily for maximum efficiency, but for the most important-iencies!

So, I am thinking I blog about being a fulltime working momma who has to juggle, work, hubby and kiddos. Still seems pretty broad-spectrum. But this is life, it's a myriad of different things. We all wear so many hats. I suppose the single most thing that makes me the happiest, other than seeing my kids happy and health, is saving money! I strive to save money each and every day! I coupon (not extreme), I try to cut costs as much as possible and try to keep my finances in order, to the best of my ability. I think I have found it. I think managing your finances is the root of all piece of mind and happiness! With more money, you feel more secure, you can do more things, and possibly live a little. And by that, I mean a real little, in my case! A saving money blog! Wonderful if I can keep a section on the blog, called my rants, where I can just rant about whatever is bothering me. Not sure if the blog-gods would approve of such a thing!

A saving money blog! I think I can handle that; it makes me smile! Wonder what sort of topic breakdown I can come up with for the blog.
1. Essential Shopping on a Budget-Couponing/Deals
2. Budgeting-Reducing/Cutting back monthly expenses (to include budgeting materials)
3. Earning Extra Money-Side Hustles/App Kickbacks/Earning Money in your "free" time
4. Free Events/Things to Do-Reviews & Resources

Still thinking, it seems I may still have to broad of a subject, I suppose I can break it down even further from the last four ideas. I really like Free Events and Things to Do, especially when you're on a tight budget, like I am. Ok, Earning Extra Money-w/App Kickbacks.

How about Free Events & Free Money! I love FREE! Plus, this is something I would be able to share with my friends and family, unlike my current blog.

It's a work in progress, I just feel like I have soo much to share, I don't know where to start!

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