A few weeks ago, my son started Soccer practice. This is our very first experience with sports. He has taken a few karate classes and a few Kung Fu classes. But no real sports classes, until now. I can't believe I am a sports mom, well, sort of. So how does one make time to get their little ones to sports class? Luckily for me, Soccer only meets once a week, for about 35 minutes. What's 35 minutes out of 10 Sunday's? He is loving it! I did a lot of research before signing him up for a class. I was amazed at all the companies that offer kids soccer classes. Of course, being on a budget, I choose the cheapest one I could find! Total with the uniform shirt, I paid $135.00. Which is about $70 less than all the other classes and I don't have to provide a soccer ball (even though we have several!). No extra gear was required for this class either, but we got him some anyhow! We got him: shin guards, cleats and long soccer socks. Very brightly colored shin guards and cleats! He wore the shin guards the very first practice and Boy, were we lucky he did. He got kicked pretty hard right square in the shin! He didn't feel a thing! Thank you, Adidas Shin Guards! We ended up having to take the cleats back for a bigger size. At this age his feet seem to grow overnight. So, he was cleat-less the first few games. After up-sizing he was able to enjoy the cleats on the field. I was thoroughly amazed at how much faster he ran on the field with his cleats! I definitely recommend the shin guards and cleats! His socks on the other hand, he's not a big fan, as they make his legs itchy. Every time they take a quick break for water, I have to pull them back up. It really has been fun packing up the family and heading out to the fields, the grass is so lovely! I take my shoes off, spread a blanket and fight to entertain my 2-year-old, while trying to never take my eyes off-My handsome little man! I still have a lot to learn about soccer, apparently there are several different types of cleats, shin guards- Not to mention trying to keep up with what they are learning in training. We are definitely having fun with it. It's a great way for him to learn good sportsman ship (he does seem to have a slight issue in this area, I am sure it's because he was an only child for so long). Just so you are aware, we are not really sports-y people. This is the first for us! So, if we can venture out, so can you!
I just love how much he is enjoying soccer,
I can't imagine a better way for us to spend Sunday afternoons!
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