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2018 Goals!

What are my goals for 2018? Goals, what is a goal? It can be short term or long term. A descriptive or general sentence about what you plan to accomplish within a given time frame, Goal. Another thing to remember about goals is that you need to lay out how you plan to achieve it! Having a goal is nice, but figuring out how you're going to achieve it, is even better! I know I am a little late to the party, this year, but better late than never, right? Besides, it's only March I have plenty of months left to accomplish ALL of my Goals! Wish me Luck!
1. Improve my financial status.
    • I will be asking my current employer for a raise, it will probably be small, but always worth a shot. Can't hurt to ask, I feel like I do a great job!
    • Work more part-time hours on my side job. I am helping a local tax company with a book of business accounts they just acquired. This has the potential to fetch me a decent amount of cash flow, if I can catch on quickly. Although I work in accounting, I am far from a QuickBooks pro! But I learn fast, especially with cash on the line!
    • Buy a domain, hosting service for my blog, in order to fully monetize it. After the initial investment, I am hoping this will be profitable for me, after a few months of implementation. I also have to continue building content that people will want to read! Additionally, I must continue to learn about the different social media platforms and utilize them to the maximum to help advertise my blog, to bring in readers and ultimately people to purchase from my affiliates.
    • Reduce as much as possible, all-out going expenses-within reason of course!
2. Potty Train my little!
    • She's sassy and TWO, wish my luck! I am sure I will be writing about this adventure!
    • I've already purchased tons of training pants, got an awesome deal of these a few weeks ago from Publix, don't worry you can still fetch am awesome deal on training pants at Amazon, Pull-Ups Training Pants !
    • I've already purchased a potty from, Cute and simple, get yours, Summer Infant Lil' Loo Potty, White and Teal!
3. Get healthier!
    • Cut soda out of my life, about 2 weeks into this now, feeling good about this change!
    • Establish a regular exercise routine-3 times per week, with the family!
    • Go for at least one 15-minute walk per day, every day.
    • Get up from my desk more often, for a quick walk.
    • Be more consequence about my eating habits, eat more veggies and fruits, less sweets and extra salty things-Also apply this to family meals!
4. Recycle more!
    • Call and request the city to send more recycling bins
    • Get the family involved in recycling things, sorting, etc.
    • Donate good used items to thrift stores and other families in need.
5. Get Organized!
    • All the closets in my home. There are at least two really bad ones! Eek!
    • The kids room needs a better organizing system, they have ALOT of stuff!
    • The kitchen definitely needs an organizing over haul, I can't find anything in there!
    • Develop a better more efficient system of organizing all my to do list's & thoughts!
6. Increase Quality Time with the Family!
    • Set aside one night a month, as date night, to reconnect with the hubby. We always talk about this but never actually get it done. We might go months without having one day to ourselves.
    • Set aside more activities to do with the little's! We have tons of Christmas presents we haven't even broken into yet! Including paints! Momma needs to slow down and have more fun with the little's, regularly!

      I needed to share my goals, now I have tons of people to help keep me accountable! Thanks Everyone!
      What are your Goals for 2018?!



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