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Box Tops for Education!

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As I was packing my son's lunch for school one day, I noticed a little pink rectangle on the bottom of the Ziploc box, it said "Box Tops for Education". I've always kind of known about the program, but never really, completely understood how it worked or the importance of doing it.
So, I did a little research, your welcome!

What is Box Tops for Education?

Box Tops for Education is an awesome program sponsored by hundreds of companies that offer a simple convenient way for families to help earn money for local schools! A typical box top is worth 10 cents to your school of choice. Schools can turn these box tops in for cash, to buy things the school needs; like new computers, playground equipment, books, anything! From time to time, you can even find bonus box tops that can be worth more than 10 cents! It's such a easy, simple way to help contribute to our schools.

How did the program begin?
The program was started by General Mills in 1996, the box tops were initially only offered on General Mills Cereals. Now the program has grown to include hundreds of different brands, including non food items, like Ziploc, Hefty and Kleenex!

You can find a complete List of Participating Companies/Brands here

How does it work? 
1. Buy participating products (check out the list link above)
2. Clip the box tops (I usually just tear them out/or off the package/box)
3. Send them to school with your kid (all schools have a special place for kids to put these)
4. The school administrator sends them in
5. Twice a year BTFE sends the school coordinator a check
6. The school uses the funds to buy whatever it needs!

Easy, Peasy! Right?!
We are avid clippers now, professional even! I think it is amazing to be able to help contribute to our schools. You are already purchasing the product anyhow, right? Take an extra second or two to clip that box top, our children will thank you for it! (lol, probably not, but at least you can feel like you're contributing to the fundamentals of their education!)

How can I find out more information?
Check out the website, you can even see how much money schools have earned. My son's school has earned a lifetime of more than $11,000! WOW! Right?! Their average earnings is about $1,000 per year, that's about 10,000 box tops! I bet a couple hundred of those tops are my families alone!

What are you waiting for, go raid the pantry, fridge and freezer, I am sure you have a few tops sitting around that you can put to good use!


  1. I'd like to Thank all of my wonderful co-workers, that donated box-tops for my sons school! Thank You!!


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