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4 Reason to Go Short!

Don't get me wrong I absolutely love my luscious long locks, but let's face it, my hair spends most of its time in a bun! I have to put it up before bed, I wear it up at work and on weekends, it also spends most of its time in a disarrayed ponytail on the back of my head! Long hair is a beautiful thing but it takes way too much time, effort and energy to maintain! Who has time for all that non-sense? I need as many things as possible to be easy, simple and virtually effortless, that way I have more time for the things that matter most! Like enjoying my littles!

1. Beat the Heat!

It’s going to be a hot one! Might as well go ahead and break in a “cool” new do. It will keep you stylish and easy-breezy in the sweltering heat! Especially if you’re in Florida, like me! Eek! It gets soo hot here. Plus, you’ll even look good coming out of the pool, no need to deal with all that long tangled wet mess, with your new short bob!

2. Money Saver!

Less hair means, less shampoo, less conditioner and less styling products! Even less money to pay, when you see your hair stylist. No more paying extra because of your long hair! Use the money you save for something fun! Perhaps some new hair accessories!

3. Time Saver!

The shorter the hair, the less time you have to spend primping and prepping it! That’s more time you could spend doing something else you love! Like playing with your little's or hitting the mall! Also, if you do have little-little's, less hair for them to pull or get all sticky and icky! Saving you time and energy!

4. Make A Difference!

You can donate those lovely locks to charities such as: Wigs for Kids, Hair We Share, Pantene Beautiful Lengths and many, many more! Check out the St. Baldrick’sBlog for more information on awesome places to donate!

Spice things up, try something a little daring, revamp yourself. Give yourself that extra confidence to compliment your hot summer style! All while keeping yourself cool, saving time, saving money and helping those in need!

Whatever "do", you decide to rock this summer-Rock it with class!



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