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Showing posts from May, 2018

A Real, Real Life Moment - Feeling Defeated

Everyone feels defeated in life from time-to-time. I know I do... My Current State of Mind 5/10/2018 @ 6am With so many things going on right now, sometimes I even forget to take a breath. For the last few years, it seems life has been kicking my behind. I don't feel like I want a whole lot out of life, just to be able to enjoy simple things, would be refreshing. I am mentally exhausted from this roller coaster ride. Too many downward spirals, not enough ups. I am trying, but perhaps not hard enough? I suppose there has to be some reason I keep ending up on the losing end of everything! I am feeling a little defeated if you couldn't already tell. It is so very hard to carry on day to day, being positive when inside your soul is just tired. Sometimes all I want to do is curl up in the bed and just cry for a while, just be alone, for time to just to stand still and give me just a few minutes of solitude to make sense of all the mess. I keep pushing forward, but c

DIY - Frugal Portable Height Chart

One of my all-time favorite things to do is be creative. Unfortunately, with so much momming to do, it sometimes leaves very little time for mommy to get her creative juices flowing. So, anytime my little comes to me and wants to create something, I jump at the opportunity to squeeze in some creative time with my little! My two favorite things in the whole world! Over the weekend my son asked me if I would start measuring his height against the wall in our hallway. My first thought was Ya! that sounds like a cool idea, but then I started thinking, we are renters so we would lose the memories when we move. I immediately jumped on Pinterest to get some ideas of how to make a height chart for them, that would actually work for us. I even created a board with some of the cool ideas that I found! I really liked the height chart made of wood, but who has time and money for all that! I wanted to spend no money on this project, 1. because I don't have any to spend and 2. because I

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