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Showing posts from January, 2018

3 Free ways to De-Stress!

Most of the women I know de-stress with a glass of wine. I probably would too only, wine cost money and that's not really something I have. So, I choose to de-stress in other "free ways"! I'll share with you my 3 favorite, FREE ways to de-stress! 1. Writing! Now I usually only write when I am feeling overwhelmingly emotional and its usually late at night, because I've tried to rest my mind, but just can't sleep. It is so therapeutic for me. It helps me release stress by getting it all out. Most of the time it also helps me to put my thoughts into perspective. I'll write all I want, then go back and read it, try to get to the root of my angst. Typically, my angst seems to be centered around the lazy-mooching-lump sleeping in my bed. Ugh! 2. Cleaning! Ya, Ya, I know it's a chore, right? I know, I know but if you just get started, once you're done it really does make you feel better. Especially if it's something big, like ste

Is it time for a Divorce?

How do you know when its time to get a Divorce? That's a good question. I have spent a lot of sleepless nights scouring the internet for information about this. I read one article written by a marriage counselor, her take was that, if you still have feelings of angry towards your spouse, then there is probably hope for your marriage, but if your feelings of anger have turned into disgust or complacency it's probably really better that you separate. I've read a lot of things on the internet; others have said you just know when it's over. I suppose there is no real definitive answer, it depends on the people and the situation. I work in an office of mainly women, so I've asked around-most of them have been through at least 1 divorce. One has a really nice story or how she was reunited with her first love, after both married other people, got divorced and somehow ended up with each other. He adores her, even packs her lunches for her, every day. My old boss, s

Do Parents Have a Favorite?

I had my first child about 8 years ago. A beautiful baby boy. I wanted a boy, figured they would be much easier than having a girl. I am a girl, I am a "good" girl and I was still, uh, not very "good" most of the time. However, in comparison to my girlfriends, I was perfect! I loved that I was having a little boy and not a demon seed. I spoiled that little boy rotten, as did everyone else in his life. Maybe we spoiled him too much, eek! Imagine that! So about two years ago, we went and had another one and just when things were starting to get back to "normal"-Finally our son was about to go off to big boy school and we could both worth day jobs. We never agree on much, but keeping our children out of daycare is one thing we both see eye-to-eye on. So, we worked opposite shifts for many, many years. Which could explain why we've drifted so far apart. That and the fact we now have TWO wedges of love between us. I am happy with my second b

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