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Showing posts from February, 2018

Mom Guilt, it's real!

        Yes, it's a real thing! As moms, and I am sure, some dads also, we feel tremendous amounts of guilt about leaving our littles behind when we go off to work. And sometimes when we leave them for any reason. I remember never wanting to head back to work after my first was born. I stayed home with his precocious little face, until, financially we just could not afford me to stay home any longer. I even tried picking up jobs babysitting others littles to help make ends meet, but it just wasn't steady enough income. It was very devastating. I stayed home with him for nine beautiful months, I didn't miss a single coo or whimper. And I loved every second of it, but I had to leave him behind. Dramatic, yes, but some moms/dads understand the emphasis. Now don't get me wrong being a mom for the first time is a scary thing, but somehow that motherly instinct kicks in and everything seems to fall into place. And if it, doesn't you don't real

4 Quick Tips to Liven Up Your Work Day!

You can potentially use these tips no matter if you’re working in an office setting or not! I however, I am one of those unfortunate people who are stuck in an office setting all-the-livelong-day! So, I have to do things to break up some of the monotony!   1. Change Your Routine Changing up your routine, or “mixing it up”, can be a lifesaver, when you get bored with your current routine. It’s a good idea to switch up the order you complete certain tasks. This always helps liven things up, for me! I change the order that I do smaller tasks, to keep things new and interesting. I do this at least once a week, sometimes more!   2. Add Background Music Now, I am easily distracted, so I can’t listen to my favorite songs when I am concentrating on important things at work! My favorite station to put on when I am at work is, Instrumental for Studying. However, if I’m having a bad day, I have been known to put on the Comedy station, just to change my mood! Adding

Ibotta, What the heck is that?

*This post contains affiliate links, please see disclosure page.* Okay, so maybe you're like me, always a little late to the "scene", no problem, I can help with this one! 1. So, what is IBOTTA, you ask?   Well, it's a way to save money on things that you buy online or in the store! There are hundreds of retailers to choose from both in store and online! Doesn't that sound amazing!?   2. Ok, so what sort of things do I have to buy? There are tons of places you can shop, in person or online and get some of the money you spend back! I save money when I shop at local grocery stores like Publix, Walmart, Target, Winn-Dixie, and Safeway. And I also use the app when I make online purchases, from places like Amazon , Groupon or even Walmart.Com! Now, when you do what they call "mobile shopping" (making purchases online) you have to go into the IBOTTA app and click the link, to the specific store you want to buy stuff from. No biggie, it wil

Why it's important to chaperon, fieldtrips!

Our first field trip, and we did not get picked to be chaperon's-Ugh. Why is it important to be a chaperon on your child's fieldtrips, you say?! 1. Stranger Danger! A strange person will be in charge of a group of, undoubtedly 6-8, 7-year-old boys! And we all know how unruly little boys can be at that age. Plus, my son is not your typical Mancho boy, he's more on the sensitive side-A total M-path. I'd expect him to probably fall apart crying, rather than get in trouble for being mischievous. Can another parent deal with that? - While trying to keep her, two-eyes on 5 other boys!? I have little confidence in most parents' ability to, parent or babysit, for that matter. It's all in my head, right? I'll just keep repeating this all day, because now I won't be able to concentrate on anything else! 2. No Souvenirs! The kids can't bring anything on the field trip! Ya, I get that, who wants to be responsible for 200 kids and their junk? The

Dear Husband

Dear Husband, You are the one, I choose to marry, spend all of my life with and undoubtedly love for eternity. As the years pass us by, we fail miserably to slow the minutes down just enough to enjoy each and every one of them. Each year becoming more and more rapidly passing, to our dismay. More hours in a day, more minutes, just one more second, for us to hang on to. We share, we laugh, we cry, we struggle, we love, so deeply and so dearly. Those two little angels, that swooped in and stole all of our time, what perfect blessings they both are, what beauties they two, are. Each day we love them more and more. Such a perfect mixture of you and I. Full of curiosity and full of attitude. They will keep us young, always. Dear Husband, you swooped in and you saved me, all those years ago. And you have given me the most precious gift of all. The gift of life and all its opportunities, the gift of never-ending, unconditional, love. I am awake and alive; I enjoy and I cry. Dear Husba

My little Soccer Star

A few weeks ago, my son started Soccer practice. This is our very first experience with sports. He has taken a few karate classes and a few Kung Fu classes. But no real sports classes, until now.  I can't believe I am a sports mom, well, sort of. So how does one make time to get their little ones to sports class? Luckily for me, Soccer only meets once a week, for about 35 minutes. What's 35 minutes out of 10 Sunday's? He is loving it! I did a lot of research before signing him up for a class. I was amazed at all the companies that offer kids soccer classes. Of course, being on a budget, I choose the cheapest one I could find! Total with the uniform shirt, I paid $135.00. Which is about $70 less than all the other classes and I don't have to provide a soccer ball (even though we have several!). No extra gear was required for this class either, but we got him some anyhow! We got him: shin guards, cleats and long soccer socks. Very brightly colored shin guards a

Finding my Niche...

So,  a blog, isn't a Diary? This is not what I am hearing from the numerous blogging groups I frequent. I suppose my life really isn't anything super exciting. I am not royalty or have an exciting career or anything. I am just me, an average hardworking momma, full of stress and anticipation. With lots of real issues. From monetary struggles to marriage issues. But who wants to read my Diary? It would be mostly melancholy, but could perhaps let others know they aren't alone. That other people out here, are having the same issues. But who wants to read a book without a happy ending? The end of my Diary would essentially come at the end of my life. Eh, how morbid is that?! Okay, Okay. So I am going to have to pick a general topic to focus on and then work from there to see what the little fishies bite at. Always open for suggestions, if anyone would like to share. What am I good at? Or at least what do I think I am good at! 1. Being Organized-I use to be muc

Awesome Diaper/Pull Ups Deal at Publix!

This post contains affiliate links, please see disclosure page. Yes! Can you say Super Awesome Mega Score! That's right, I just bought 6 packs of Huggies Snug and Dry Diapers size 4 and 5, and ONLY paid $9.11 total, after tax! Sounds amazing right?! That is the power of couponing, my friends. A lot of times I miss out on all the good couponing deals, because I don't have access to tons of newspapers (that's where you find all the coupons). So, I am always looking for the deals, where the coupons are all printable! That's exactly what this awesome diaper deal is. Virtually anyone with a printer and 3 phone numbers (or access to multiple computers) can do this deal. Couponing is a big deal these days and a lot of momma's take it to the extreme, all the time-Even reselling their hauls (that's what the call them-a little couponing lingo, for ya!) to other people. Most of the time, that's what I do. Buy items from other couponers, it's still a lot le

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